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Cilento d'Autore Tourism and Traveller guide

Cilento is an area still dominated by a wild nature, where it is possible to find centuries-old traditions, picturesque villages where time seems to be stopped, breathtaking corners that you suddenly discover just opening a window. The beautiful coastline with clear sea water was already beloved by the Latin poet Virgil: according to his story, Palinurus, Aeneas's pilot, died on the Cilento's coast. Still remaining in the field of mythology, in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, Jason went to Paestum's Hera Argiva Sanctuary to thank the goddess. Cilento is also rich in archaeological treasures of great value, such the site of Paestum, one of the most important and majestic of the Magna Graecia, and the site of Elea-Velia, where you can still admire the Porta Rosa, the oldest example of round arch in Italy. Both sites have been declared by UNESCO World Heritage Sites, together with Padula's Charterhouse and Cilento-Vallo di Diano National Park. Moreover, the famous Eleatic school of thought developed in Elea; among its philosophers, we remember Parmenides, Zeno, Melissa and Xenophanes. All these natural and cultural masterpieces are sublimated by a healthy culinary tradition, at the base of the famous Mediterranean diet, elaborated by the US nutritionist Angel keys, who spent his last years of life in Pioppi. Cilento is good for body, spirit and mind!

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